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Access Learning Ideas Portal
Status Added to Product Backlog
Workspace Access LMS
Created by Rebecca Hill
Created on May 16, 2023

More filter options for email rules

It would be very useful to be able to filter not only by completed, incomplete and not attempted but also by whether the learning is overdue.

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  • Jemma Carpenter
    Mar 21, 2024

    I'd like to set the rule to send an email to all those who are "NOT ATTEMPTED" or "INCOMPLETE" - EXCLUDING those who have a valid certificate.

    I'm trying to set up a email reminder to send to anyone who has not yet taken their assessment.

    I cannot use the "send to all who are "INCOMPLETE" and "NOT ATTEMPTED" because the assessment status resets at 11 months and the certificate is valid for 12 months.

    I do not want to send an email to those whose had passed the assessment and their status has reset the status back to "Not Attempted" (as I have a reminder already set up to send them reminders based on their certificate expiry date).

    I only want to send the email to those who have never taken the assessment on this system.

    If they have a valid certificate, they should not receive this email reminder (as the email I want to set up will tell the user their test is still outstanding and needs to be taken asap. This is not true if their certificate is still valid).

  • Alex Watson
    May 23, 2023

    Completely agree that we need email reminders to be enabled to be sent to anyone overdue/past their due date.

    If users are already overdue on an activity, you cannot create an email reminder that simply emails everyone who is overdue.

    This is only an issue when creating an email reminder after users are already overdue.