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Status Added to Product Backlog
Workspace Access LMS
Created by Adam Ososki
Created on May 3, 2023

Sort Courses Alphabetically under folders (catalogues) in Find Learning

Courses stored under Course Catalogues appear in Alphabetical Order when looking at them in "Manage" as an Admin - but Users using the "Find" tab see them all jumbled up - and it makes it very hard to see the options available in a sensible manner. This is also true in the Find learning Apps / applets etc. It would be much better for users to be able to see the courses Alphabetically. I have attached screen shots of both views of the same courses.

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  • Guest
    Jul 27, 2023

    In addition it would be great to be able to reorder the libraries either into alphabetical order or with the organisations (in our case allpay) pinned to the top especially in find learning.

  • Jane Taft
    Jul 27, 2023

    My org would very much appreciate an alphabetical order too in the libraries

  • Liz Gwillim
    Jun 9, 2023

    I agree - in fact I just signed up to post this very request.