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Workspace Access LMS
Created by Adam Ososki
Created on Oct 6, 2023

Events shouldn't disappear from the Event Programme Detail Page once date has passed

At the moment - if an Event Programme is made up of multiple Events - you can easily see them and modify them from the main Event Programme Details page. However - as soon as the date has passed they just disappear from view. We need to go back into each event after it has finished to record attendance etc, and right now we have to search for those events one by one on the calendar or otherwise to get to them.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kirstie Coetzee
    Nov 7, 2023


    Thank you for raising your idea.

    We have carried out work to the Events Programme area which includes filters and date range. Using the new Events Programme area should improve your search experience and mitigate against you needing to move between screens. The September 203 release notes provides further information around the Event Programme area:

    Best wishes,
