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Status Added to Product Backlog
Created by Marianne Buyskes-Abrahams
Created on May 24, 2023

Include non-booked events in reporting

Currently, event reporting only shows events for which students have booked in. It does not provide any data on events created and available that were not booked. This makes it difficult to report on and get an understanding of those that are not booked or attracting students.

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  • Admin
    Ian Warn
    May 24, 2023

    Hi Marianne, thanks for your request. In the CCM Events Manager, if events have attendance this is signified with a filled icon (events with no attendees have an outlined icon instead). Would this resolve your request?

    The Events Report is a CSV file and is primarily used to measure attendance where each row reflects a user's event attendance - so adjusting this report would change the report accuracy.

    An alternative way to implement your request within the report might be:

    • change the report to an XLS file

    • add a tab for each event where there was no attendance